The Blue and Monarch Butterfly

I combined these two artworks onto one page because it's the same idea for both art pieces with different butterflies. The Blue Butterfly showcases their unique beauty and is a simple art visual of a variety of butterfly. The target audience is anyone with an art appreciation or an affinity towards different butterflies. I used the app Procreate to create this art piece because of the wide range of digital brushes available. The design intent began with my inspiration list and looking around to free stock photography sites that I regularly use. I used the free stock photography site because I thought it would be helpful for references.
The second piece, a Monarch Butterfly, provides the same concept as the Blue Butterfly, showing the beauty of the Monarch and displaying it in a still position with its wings spread perched on a flower. The target audience for this art can be art enthusiasts or collectors of butterfly items. The software I used to create this is again Procreate because it is a way to create digital artwork on my iPad, and the app has many options for digital art tools. My design intent started with wanting to produce another butterfly piece and the love of Monarch butterflies. I used one of the free stock photography websites to find reference images and created my artwork from the reference image.
Process Work - Blue Butterfly Sketches

The sketches I created are from royalty-free images of butterflies in various poses that I liked and wanted to try and recreate. Showing them in diverse settings and angles helped me decide on the final illustration piece. It was also a way to display butterflies not just sitting on a flower or flying in mid-air but giving different perspectives of them in their environment.
Process Work - Monarch Butterfly Sketches

Like the sketches above, these are also from the royalty-free images I found of Monarch butterflies. Also, like the thumbnails above, this was a way to showcase different angles and positions of the butterfly, and it helped when I selected which one I wanted to do for the final illustration. I also liked exhibiting multiple monarch butterflies than just focusing on one butterfly.